Why Replacing Missing Teeth is Always the Best Choice

April 7, 2023

Do you have gaps in your smile because of missing teeth? Are you scheduled to undergo a dental extraction? If so, you are faced with the choice: to replace or not to replace. Our answer: ALWAYS replace missing teeth, with the exception of wisdom teeth. The benefits of replacing the teeth far outweigh the cons; we’ll talk more about this in the blog. Before making your final decision, talk with our experienced and trusted ...

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Do I Need to Replace a Missing Tooth?

September 10, 2022

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, “120 million people in the U.S. are missing at least one tooth.” That’s more than 36 percent of the population! The most common causes of tooth loss include: Tooth decay (cavities) Gum disease Injury Cancer Aging Complete tooth loss, or edentulism, affects more than 36 million Americans, mostly those in the geriatric population and the economically disadvantaged. These statistics are staggering, and dental professionals are working ...

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5 Common Reasons for a Tooth Extraction

May 9, 2022

With so many preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry options, tooth extraction is often the last resort for dentists. In many cases, a tooth can undergo root canal therapy, have a crown placed over it, or be restored with dental bonding or veneers. However, there are instances when an extraction is necessary to improve the patient’s oral and overall health. Five of the most common reasons dentists recommend a tooth extraction include: Tooth decay Gum ...

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Top Signs of Tooth Decay

March 8, 2022

Tooth decay, or softening of the enamel, is one of the most prevalent dental conditions. Acids produced by bacteria weaken tooth enamel over time, which results in a cavity. According to one study, 92% of adults have had cavities in their permanent teeth. The good news is that decay occurs in stages, and early treatment can prevent it from progressing and potentially spare you from needing a root canal or complete extraction. While our busy ...

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5 Tips to Protect Your Teeth During the Holidays

December 7, 2021

There’s nothing like an unexpected trip to the dentist to derail the most wonderful time of the year. To ensure your teeth stay healthy through the holidays and beyond, follow these tips: 1. Teeth aren’t present-openers or nutcrackers This sounds like a no-brainer, but when an impatient child hands you a toy double sealed in Teflon-strength packaging, your instinct might be to do whatever you can to rip it open. Do yourself a ...

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Are There Options for Repairing Severely Damaged Teeth?

July 29, 2021

Anyone who has ever experienced the agony of a toothache knows that poor oral health is more than an inconvenience; it negatively impacts your quality of life. Not only can damaged teeth cause physical pain, but they can also create extreme self-consciousness and pose significant health risks if left untreated. Damage occurs to teeth for a variety of reasons, from disease and facial trauma to years of teeth grinding or a misaligned bite. Fortunately, dental ...

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Save Your Tooth or Pull It?

May 28, 2021

If you’ve been experiencing tooth pain, your inclination might be to just pull the problematic tooth and be done with it! Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. So, before you choose to extract it, make sure you take time to understand the ramifications. Benefits of saving a natural tooth When possible, saving your natural teeth is the best option. While today’s dental prosthetics are made to last, they simply don’t have ...

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Should I Be Worried About Tooth Enamel Loss?

April 29, 2021

As children, we’re taught that if we don’t take care of our teeth properly – brush daily, floss regularly, and watch our sugar intake - we’ll get cavities. However, as adults, we realize that there’s more to oral health than avoiding cavities alone - enter enamel erosion. What is tooth enamel? Enamel is the tooth’s thin, translucent outer layer. Harder than bone, tooth enamel is the first line of defense against decay. It ...

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Ouch! Do I Have Sensitive Teeth?

February 28, 2021

Have you ever winced with sudden pain after gulping an icy beverage or slurping a spoonful of hot soup? If so, you're likely one of the 40 million Americans the Academy of General Dentistry estimates experience tooth sensitivity each year. What causes tooth sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity (i.e., dentin hypersensitivity) occurs when tooth enamel wears away, leaving the dentin exposed. This soft, inner part of your tooth houses thousands of microscopic channels that, when ...

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5 Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth During the Holidays

December 30, 2020

The holidays are here and with them come all the joys of the season – lights and decorations, time with friends and family, and those special treats we only get this time of year. Unfortunately, the special treats we love so much can lead to damaged teeth and an unwanted trip to the dentist, which will definitely not have you feeling holly and jolly.  We don’t want you to miss out on all the fun ...

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