Squirrel  Hill Prosthodontic Office - 15217 Prosthodontist

Prosthodontic Office Squirrel HillDr. John Waldman moved his practice from Oakland in 2008 and has been providing high quality prosthodontic services at his conveniently located office in Squirrel Hill for the past 11 years.  Patients really enjoy the small intimate office environment with personalized attention from Dr. Waldman and his team.  With digital x-rays, CariVu (no radiation) technology, and a TRIOS intraoral scanner for digital impressions, Dr. Waldman can make sure patients receive the best dental care at very affordable prices.

Most weeks, Dr. Waldman works Tuesdays and Thursdays at this Squirrel Hill office location.  In addition to offering a variety of prosthodontic services, Dr. Waldman also treats sleep apnea and provides emergency dental care.  This office is located in a residential community with easy access and plenty of free parking.  

If you are searching for prosthodontic care near Squirrel Hill, PA 15217, we encourage you to contact our office at (412)621-5550 to schedule a consultation. 

Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm

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